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上海外滩东方商旅酒店 上海外滩东方商旅酒店 上海外滩东方商旅酒店 上海外滩东方商旅酒店

  上海外滩东方商旅酒店位于南北外滩交界的中心点,对望浦东陆家嘴,后连豫园及十六铺码头观光区。   上海外滩东方商旅酒店由知名设计师吴宗岳跨刀,将过去上海滩的灵感注入与30年代装置性艺术元素优雅的融合。同时也是上海第一家荣选Preferred Hotel Group旗下之Preferred Hotels & Resorts的会员。酒店楼高23层,外观为三零年代装饰性艺术(Art Deco)设计。   酒店拥有各类豪华的客房、套房,尽览北外滩、南外滩、浦东、浦西江景,深刻感受浦西史迹与浦东摩登时空交错相互辉映。客房设计由简单线条交织而成,以柚木地板展现温暖氛围,透过柔和光晕色调营造「家」的舒适。   上海外滩东方商旅酒店入口低调,全馆空间仅供住客使用,充分注重隐密性。踏上灰色石瓦地,推转金铜旋转门,一楼接待处的大理石散发出温暖的鹅白色。在黑色大理石、深色实木、古铜色铜雕、白色陶胚,构成讲究质感的空间里,感受静谧与温馨服务。为使每位客人享受到最贴心的酒店服务,馆内皆配置有最新进的科技设备与服务,包括独步市场的商旅行动生活手机及2、3楼Le Lounge提供的早餐与全天候咖啡、茶、精致糕点、无线网络均使用,让房客彷佛置身于自家客厅中一般的自在和温馨。

  • 酒店设施

  • 酒店政策

    入住时间:14:00以后 离店时间:10:00-12:00
    自助早餐 RMB 173
    境外发行信用卡 -- 万事达(Master) 境外发行信用卡 -- 威士(VISA) 境外发行信用卡 -- 运通(AMEX) 境外发行信用卡 -- 大来(Diners Club) 境外发行信用卡 -- JCB
  • 周边设施

    Jack London,HORIZEN Lounge,次郎日式快餐 中山东路店,哒伊沃意大利餐厅,次郎日式快餐(中山东路店)
    Horizen,上海佛朗哥餐饮娱乐有限公司,Sun Deck Coffee Bar,sun deck,上海星运实业公司健身娱乐中心
  • 用户:LVXZ

    是台湾知名的酒店.在上海现在也有了.上海的东方商旅听酒店介绍也是由台湾著名的设计师设计的. 这里很适合商旅人士入住! 住在这里,可以看到上海的外滩风光!蛮不错的!!! 这家酒店的建筑风格有东方元素!个人很喜欢! 酒店的服务很好!全天供应咖啡和点心! 最方便的是房间里的酒店可以带出门.很方便!

  • 用户:Sonfish

    酒店在外滩旁,VIEW 绝对赞的!!!外滩建筑博览群、黄浦江还有对岸的陆家嘴美景一览无遗!!!酒店给我像家的感觉,细节方面做得很到位。私密性也很好,底楼是Concierge,Check In是在三楼, 前台小姐也很亲切。进了房间,视野很是开阔,两个大大的落地窗,看出去的都是一幅画,美!我住的那天正好外滩改造竣工仪式,绝对的现场的直播!!很值!VIEW绝对推荐的

  • 用户:到到会员

    Date of Stay: October 12,2010 Room Type: Deluxe Bund Room
Upgrade: none

 Amount Paid Per Night: 2,199 CNY 
Reservation Method: Direct to the hotel

 Loyalty Card: None 

Airport/Hotel Transfer: I was moving from the Park Hyatt because I want to stay somewhere closer to my mom’s hotel so I didn’t need any airport transfer. 

Check-in: I arrived at the hotel before 8am but the tour company called them ahead to inform them that I am coming in early to drop my stuff before going to Hangzhou but will return later that evening. Check-in was pretty straightforward, they had all my documents printed out and ready for my signature when I came in, so I was out of the hotel in less than 10 minutes. Upon my return I simply retried my keys and went up to my room. I just wish that they were thoughtful enough to send my bags to the room without being told. 

Room: The room was big and very spacious and the layout was very intuitive. Upon entering the room there are two closets flanking the entryway to the bathroom and straight ahead is the doorway to the actual room. The designers were smart enough to provide a good size closet so that your luggage could fit right in. The room feels more like an apartment than a hotel room, which is a nice change however the room temp seems to be a bit difficult to control as it felt a bit warm during the night despite the fact that the display says it was at 20 degrees but apart from that the room was very nice. Bed: Bed was very comfortable not really too soft and not hard either, however the control panel for the rooms lights was built in such a way that it sticks out from the bedside table where you could hit going in and out of bed. Bathroom: was pretty big with a separate shower and tub (which I always prefer). The toilet seat is automatic but less features as those in the Park Hyatt. I had a problem with the shower since I don’t know which knob to turn, after 5 minutes of turning water finally started coming out. Breakfast: Breakfast is served at 7-10am daily but since my tour with my mom leaves at 7am also I decided to just skip it. Check-out: Check-out was quite fast there were several people checking out at the same time, but the team facilitated them quite fast and without incident. Overall Evaluation: I wouldn’t mind staying here again, for the price it’s a pretty good steal. Although the Fairmont Peace hotel would be a more “central” choice but when I checked it they don’t seem to have views. The Peninsula is nice but could be very expensive and the Hyatt on the Bund is just not on THE Bund anymore.

  • 用户:meyhc


  • 用户:到到会员

    我能说什么,这间酒店提供你想要的一切。首先地理位置很出色,刚好位于外滩(The Bund),从房间里可以欣赏到绝妙的景色。宽大的房间非常时尚,里面装了地板,装了瓷砖的浴室里有各种不错的用品,床也很舒适。酒店的员工团队非常乐于助人。所有的要求都会得到快速的回应,他们也很乐意在出行路线和出租车等方面提供帮助。 酒店里有间很棒的酒吧,可以坐在里面悠闲地喝上一杯或是喝咖啡,在一天结束的时候也是休息的好地方,酒吧区还有电脑。早餐非常不错,只用轻松坐着,就可以点到大量的热菜和冷菜选择,麦片,糕点,水果和鸡蛋。酒店靠近南京路和沟渠去,乘坐出租车或是渡轮很快就可以前往2010年世博园。还会再次入住——令人愉快的时尚酒店,但是仍有过去的感觉。

  • 用户:到到会员

    This hotel opened in April 2010, and when I visited in late October it still had a sign outside which said "soft opening April 2010" In other words ...it is still working out all the kinks! The building itself is one of the original buildings on the Bund and probably dates from the middle of the 19th century, so what they have tried to do is fit a very zen, very ultramodern shell, inside an old building. The furnishings are fabulous, the rooms very spare, modern , and with low lighting. The staff are all very helpful and try very hard, especially if you have a problem. The location is exceptional, and so close to everything that you can easily walk. There are some problems which they are still working out but in the end it should be a great choice

  • 用户:ken_worker


  • 用户:snqiji


  • 用户:大麦小兜

    酒店的前台设在3楼电梯上去后的右手边,在此你可以看到复古钢琴和诸多古董。 酒店的咖啡厅可以自助、免费地享用咖啡、茶水以及上网服务,环境雅致。同时坐在咖啡厅里还能从窗中看到外滩的景色,下午看看书、喝喝茶、聊聊天,感觉还是很不错的。 酒店的二楼是餐厅,有块区域是打造成自助开放式的桌子,这个想法很特别。早餐自助品种虽算不上特别多,但是食物的品质还是不错的。 我住的房间能够看到外滩景致非常地满意,突然能够感受到住的不止是店,还有风景。洗浴的浴缸处就能直接看外滩景象。厕所是toto的按摩座垫,体验了一把,有意思。 总体来说性价比还是很高的,值得一住,不过千万得提前预订,不然可不易住到心仪的房间哦~阅外滩房的景观最好,因为它正好在整个楼层靠外滩的转角处,视野较为开阔。

  • 用户:猫说



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