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北京海晟世纪酒店 北京海晟世纪酒店 北京海晟世纪酒店 北京海晟世纪酒店
  • 用户:到到会员

    Very mixed feelings but then this was our first time in Beijing and we are not sure if there would have been a hotel that would have offered a room this size but then I am sure there are other Hotel-Apartment in Beijing. We reserved there Deluxe Executive Suite which is an equivalent to a small 1 bdrm apartment. I will start with the positive, the room was kept clean, the decor was very modern and we like that a lot, we were on the 19th floor, the kitchen had plates, cookware, water kettle, and a washer / dryer (one of the main reasons why we booked this hotel), right outside our hotel was a cafe, convenience store, and travel agent (CSH Travel Service, see my review on Mutianyu), all these off-site amenities were convenient. Sanlitun was a 20 min walk which to meant a lot to us because we like the shops, restaurants, and bars in that area. Now with the negative, the hotel is not 5 min from the subway that is something I was relying on and was surprised that it wasnt, maybe a 5 min car ride but no way walking. The front desk staff spoke very little english and it was very frustrating to try to communicate with them. We paid a fair amount per night 680 rmb / night, which i feel is okay but we wanted a room with space, we didnt want to stay a week cramped up in a closet size space and an in room washer and dryer was the Kicker.. Tip: the building or tower was very close to Dongzhimenwai Street, all you have to do is go out the back gate.

  • 用户:lccw


  • 用户:CK

    位置:总得来说,还算方便,机场快线,机场大巴都很近,但唯一的不足,该公寓没有明显的标识或路牌,很难找。其实就在东湖别墅对面的弄堂过去就是后门,但不知道的就要绕一大圈走正门。 服务:第一间房,网络和电话都没信号。前堂立即给换了房间,但给客人造成不方便,为什么不早点修好呢?现在的客人没几个不用网络吧?...查看详情

  • 用户:123

    一直挺相信艺龙的,但这次感觉有点心凉,直接去酒店的价格比艺龙定便宜,因为信用卡担保 还取消不了,感觉上当一样。。。哎。

  • 用户:maku****


  • 用户:superflyer

    酒店房间很好, 设备很齐全, 唯一的问题是电视节目很一般, 由于房间有厨房设备, 所以没有餐厅, 只能自己买东西吃, 这是唯一的缺憾,

  • 用户:空中飞人

    酒店的位置比较隐密, 不容易寻找, 若是走东直门外大街, 那么应该在东湖别墅的对面弄堂里, 房间还可以, 干净清爽, 有全套厨房的设备和餐具, 还有洗衣机, 非常方便, 唯一的缺点就是没有餐厅, 只能自己弄或是外食, 离地铁约十来分钟, 交通还算方便,

  • 用户:xialan

    还有多处不满意的地方,1, 电视竟然没有英语频道. 这样也可以叫 "国际公寓?" 而且雪花严重。2. 窗外望出去是脏乱差的低矮老式公寓楼, 非常压抑。3。 镜子在马桶后面, 而不是洗手池前方。 照镜子很辛苦。不过周围好吃好玩的地方还是很多的。 三里屯的购物中心就在走路可...查看详情

  • 用户:xialan

    1. 好难找. 标识不明显. 2. 一开始找不到拖鞋, 自己去小区买了2双. 临走之前的早上,在很远的柜子里,很奇怪的角度看到了拖鞋. 为什么要把拖鞋藏起来呢?3. 网速慢的跟拨号上网有的比. 住了3天,本来2小时就做完的工作, 4, 5 个小时都搞不定. 耽误出去游玩. 4. 服务生还...查看详情

  • 用户:felipe



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