2018-03-04 09:24:00
韩城城隍庙前东侧的牌楼 最喜欢这个 尤其是上面的四个大字
2018-01-23 15:00:39
陕西韩城城隍庙戏楼 原来有两座 毁了一座 可以放大图片看戏楼的木雕有多么精美
2018-04-06 15:38:40
The entrance into this temple is through an alleyway decorated with a Ming-era screen depicting glazed dragons and tigers. Apart from this fine tile-work, the city temple offers a variety of halls and pavilions, some of them dating back to the Qing and Ming dynasties. It is a worthwhile stop on the way through Hancheng's old town, but it is much less impressive than the nearby Confucian complex.