桂林东西港舍,坐落于桂林最为繁华的解放路东段,毗邻购物休闲的绝佳去处正阳步行街,与醉人的漓江美景只有一步之遥。闹中取静,独具匠心。以本店独有的大家风范和殷殷之情,倾力打造六十余间婉约恬静又精致时尚的客房,浓重不失清丽,沉稳不失活泼,至尊至贵,至诚至善。酒店一楼大厅全日开放雅致书吧,让你在品一杯茶、读一本书中留影流年,静享一米阳光。抬头之余,贪恋舌尖上的那抹蜜香,在酒店为您秘制的各式简餐中品尝专属家与爱的味道。东西之间,城里一个家。 Guilin Goo Hotel, located in the eastern section of Guilin, the most prosperous Jiefang Road, adjacent to the shopping and leisure perfect place Zhengyang Walking Street, and the stunning Li River is only one step away. Quiet, originality. In the restaurant's unique demeanor and earnest love, effort to build more than sixty rooms graceful quiet and sophisticated, stylish rooms, High but elegant, calm but lively, highly honor, sincerity perfection. Elegant book club, the hotel's lobby is open all day, so you can drink a cup of tea, read a book, and have a rest under the sunshine. When you hungry, the hotel provides some food for your taste all kinds of meals in an exclusive home and love it. Between East and West, is like your home.