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漳州芗江酒店 漳州芗江酒店 漳州芗江酒店 漳州芗江酒店
  • 用户:134700b1aca

    酒店处的环境还是不错的,客房比较大的确是很舒服 电视节目也是蛮多的, 服务人员的态度是特别好,还一断地想方设法地为客人解决难题,这使我们入住的客人是感到多么地舒服呀!

  • 用户:13806iksftl

    酒店十分的便利,所处地段是漳州十分繁华的位置,去逛逛街很快 整体让人感觉十分的整洁,不管是大堂、过道和房间都是 装修上是属于比较清爽的(虽然是简欧的装饰),豪华说不上,因为材质一般 不得不说的这家酒店有两个很大的优点: 一、服务十分ok,态度非常好,甚至比很多5星的酒店好太多了; 二、早餐真的很地道、品种多; 就价格而言,说句实在的,并不十分的便宜 不过总的来说还是很不错的 [查看详情] 客人印象:服务周到干净卫生繁华地区舒适

  • 用户:130216623b3


  • 用户:13143ihuagf

    I am pretty disappointed that the hotel could not provide air-conditioning during my stay. Their explanation was that the weather was not hot enough and turning on the central air-conditioning would affect other customers. This is the most riduculous explanation that I HAD ever heard as every hotel room has their own control. Air-conditioning is not only to adjust the room temperature but also to circulate the air in the room while the windows are all closed. However, I HAD to thank for the room service to provide me a fan starting from my first night and also the front desk requesting the room service to provide an air purifier at my second night. You could forget the free breakfast that they provide, try some place nearby. Overall, the hotel has a good hardware and software but a lousy management. 对同程:After receiving my complaint, 同程had tried their best to follow up the case and contacted me with the progress. However, 同程was unable to persuade the hotel management to make changes, upgrade my room or give me a discount. Also, please adjust the filter here coz it would not accept any words with “AV“, so stupid. 客人印象:繁华地区舒适 同程客服回复:尊敬的会员,您好!同程预订客服已将您反馈的情况和酒店的负责人核实,酒店负责人表示,由于酒店使用的是中央空调,而且近期天气温差较大,为考虑其他客人故未开启空调制冷,但酒店表示如果客人有特殊需求酒店亦可提供风扇取凉。对于此次给您造成的不愉快表示抱歉,感谢您对同程的关注与支持!

  • 用户:1314383****

    I am pretty disappointed that the hotel could not provide air-conditioning during my stay. Their explanation was that the weather was not hot enough and turning on the central air-conditioning would affect other customers. This is the most riduculous explanation that I HAD ever heard as every hotel room has their own control. Air-conditioning is not only to adjust the room temperature but also to circulate the air in the room while the windows are all closed. However, I HAD to thank for the room service to provide me a fan starting from my first night and also the front desk requesting the room service to provide an air purifier at my second night. You could forget the free breakfast that they provide, try some place nearby. Overall, the hotel has a good hardware and software but a lousy management.

  • 用户:137888844b6


  • 用户:137888844b6

    饭店环境也不错,离商业区都很近,交通方便,闹中取静。就是早餐虽然丰富但每天都一样,有些单调;客人集中用餐时有招待不周的现象。总体上感觉很不错! [查看详情]

  • 用户:130216623b3

    酒店的环境不错,房间没又没什么气味,床干净,空调也好,洗手间不错,用起来很方便!还有下面几位的评论中说房间隔音效果还好,这是真的。最主要是住得舒服。 [查看详情]

  • 用户:13143ihuagf

    I am pretty disappointed that the hotel could not provide air-conditioning during my stay. Their explanation was that the weather was not hot enough and turning on the central air-conditioning would affect other customers. This is the most riduculous explanation that I HAD ever heard as every hotel room has their own control. Air-conditioning is not only to adjust the room temperature but also to circulate the air in the room while the windows are all closed. However, I HAD to thank for the room service to provide me a fan starting from my first night and also the front desk requesting the room service to provide an air purifier at my second night. You could forget the free breakfast that they provide, try some place nearby. Overall, the hotel has a good hardware and software but a lousy management. 客人印象:繁华地区舒适 同程客服回复:尊敬的会员,您好!同程预订客服已将您反馈的情况和酒店的负责人核实,酒店负责人表示,由于酒店使用的是中央空调,而且近期天气温差较大,为考虑其他客人故未开启空调制冷,但酒店表示如果客人有特殊需求酒店亦可提供风扇取凉。对于此次给您造成的不愉快表示抱歉,感谢您对同程的关注与支持!

  • 用户:13665hlbxqu

    位置不错,环境也蛮好的,因为入住当天刚好是暴风雨,都没怎么出去玩,有点可惜啊 [查看详情] 客人印象:宽敞明亮舒适


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