台湾很小,台湾也很大,从城市到乡村,高山到大海,峡谷到湖潭,每个地方都散发着不同的风情,值得细细品味。9月-11月,天气晴朗凉爽,是适合旅游的好季节。 每年6~10月是台风季节,其中7~9月台风次数最为频繁,需特别留意气象报导。台湾知名的旅游景点有:台湾苏花公路、台北故宫、日月潭、阿里山国家森林公园......
This extraordinary collection of historic art treasures, fascinating for...
At 509 meters high, this was the world's tallest building from 2004 to...
Many festivals and celebrations are held in Lungshan, often called...
Pass by farms and small rural villages outside of Taipei on this railway...
This majestic shrine honors the Republic of China's war dead. Marvel at...
The Maokong gondola stops at Taipei Zoo, Zhinan Temple and the Maokong...