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台湾糖业博物馆 台湾糖业博物馆 台湾糖业博物馆
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2017-11-25 21:09:24

如果你以为台湾只有台东伯朗大道的金城武树值得一游,那就错了。诚如其名,金城武树是因为这位俊率的男明星拍了长荣航空的广告,因而知名。但是,如果你想了解台湾早期糖业的发展及大片树木栽种的广阔,请搭乘高雄捷运到桥头这站,5号出口一踏出来,肯定会有让你"哇“一声的感受。台湾南部在日本统治时期,普遍种植甘蔗,当初制糖业的发展也是日本政府对于台湾原物料的大幅利用,因此在不少地方(新营,桥头等),都有甘蔗田,因此有糖厂的存在必要。现在,由于制糖成本的大幅增加及考量经济效益,甘蔗田大量地减少挪为他用,原本制糖厂也仅仅留下老旧的建筑物,记录当年的辉煌。南部炎热,因此,许多树木经过多年,也更为壮观,所谓前人种树,后人乘凉,说的也不过就是如此。建议规划2-3 小时的时间停留,旅人可以自动忽略道路边的小摊,但是整片规划地中的白屋艺术村许多小店,不妨走进去看看有什么新鲜玩意儿。既然来到这里,就慢慢探索吧~搭五分车感受当年满车甘蔗的忙碌,五分车途中也会经过高雄市马术协会,就热情的跟里头练习骑马的小孩挥手打招呼吧!


2017-12-27 16:41:43



2017-11-28 09:51:49



2017-12-10 11:53:54



2018-02-09 21:10:44



2017-11-19 21:52:34



2018-02-03 20:57:47

This place is good for a quick stop. Plenty of venders around to sell any thing you can think of. Can be very hectic as many busses stop here to.


2018-02-15 15:51:26

Defintely an interesting attraction; they make sugar fun. I would recommend it for all ages!The park is peppered with statues made from recycled parts of machinery of the abandoned sugar factory so it makes for steampunk like art. There is literally a iron Goddess/Kuan Yin statue (fun pun on 鐵觀音).You even get to see the close-up rusting facade of the retired factory, and learn about the sugar-making process. Abandoned trains allow visitors to climb up and get a few photos, so that's pretty fun too :)


2018-01-11 07:11:06

It is a disused factory now turned into a museum. You get to understand how the sugarcane is transported, processed and made into sugar. This original site was formerly a sugarcane plantation. Now there are old trains for display. You can also rent a bicycle or 4 wheeler to move around as the place is huge. There is underground tunnel, a pig museum, a children's maze with a lot of interesting metal structures.


2017-12-21 14:50:48

My family went there and rented a couple of bicycles to ride around. They were really good quality. The museums all seemed closed for some reason. But it was okay, we at least got to look around. But the scenery is awesome and the houses are so nice. There's even a place for this goddess that protects. People hang up their wishes there and some of them are so sweet. But the best part: the Popsicles. OH. MY. GOSH. Those Popsicles taste like they're straight from heaven. The most popular flavor is the red bean milk Popsicles. It may sound foreign, but try it! I bought two of them and gobbled them up! It's really creamy and so natural. They can be found in the entrance, where all sorts of stuff are sold or this tiny shop with popsicles and shaved ice.

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