2017-12-04 11:52:47
既来之则安之,这次在沈阳的酒店,是此次旅行中最满意的一家了。光顾着满意了,一张照片都没有留下来。在酒店checkin之后,晚饭没吃的我们,就选择了出去觅食。完全是凭着直觉走,走着走着就看到了久闻大名的:刘老根大舞台啊。。。瞬间激动鸟。。票价跟网上查的一样:很贵!!!没办法,只有在外面瞻仰一下啦。其实仔细听,在外面还是能听到一些滴,而且在外面能看到今晚的演员名单,木有熟悉滴,心里好受多了。走 了好长一段时间,终于找到了全是大排档的一条街,不想再往前走了,就在口头一家坐了下来。照例拿着菜单,点了一些我们木有见过的菜。我们大概点了四五个 菜,分量真不是一般的足啊。东北的饭菜真实诚。乖宝宝的我和小鸭要了2瓶可乐。猪猪和楠楠硬是要了一瓶啤酒。。心里由衷的感叹:俩女汉子!!!!菜的量很足点的什么基本都忘记了,记忆犹新的是下面这个,用面皮包着京酱肉丝。味道真心不错。东北的大米真不是盖的,软软糯糯的挺好吃的,为此鸭鸭多吃了好多好多。。。大葱的味道也不是很重,对于不吃大葱的我,勉强也能接受滴。自己包的,好大一卷。。。。嘿嘿。。。吃饱喝足的我们,心情都好了很多。配合着6月东北凉爽的天气,真是人生一大享受。结账的时候,老板在得知我们是从安徽来的,表示了极大的惊讶的同时,而下一个问题就是:涛哥真是你们那儿滴吗?合着安徽最出名的还是涛哥啊。。。赶在了超市关门之前,买了第二天的干粮和水的我们,满足的回到了酒店。累了一天的我们,很快进入了梦乡。ps:猪猪的面朝大海春暖花开
2017-12-10 20:45:55
2018-01-16 14:21:13
2018-01-18 15:59:11
Seems every big city in China has at least one of these pedestrian malls, and Shenyang is no exception. Many of the big department stores can be found here, along with the smaller shops selling trinkets. At night, there is a small section that moves outdoors and sells stuff regardless of the weather (which is often bitingly cold). It is probably worth a stroll if you are looking for exercise, but otherwise it is just another commercial area looking to attract business.
2017-12-10 07:51:19
If you are good and haggling this it the place for you. They don't always have the sizes you need especially when it comes to shoes for woman but there is so much to see. The food is awesome and cheap.
2017-12-18 12:58:33
This street is amazing, I did not expect it to be so good. I recommend anybody visiting shenyang to get to this street and walk the length of the street. So much to see...and I loved the mr been coffee shop towards the end of it
2018-03-02 10:02:01
you prefer to walk in an air-conditioned environment and you prefer not to get wet. Found the underground tunnel network completely unexpected. As I was looking for a "legal" and "safe" way to cross a major intersection without getting hit, I saw stairs leading underground. Took a chance and ended up something a few blocks away.If you were not a PRC Mainlander, you probably will not be interested in getting your nails done , any of the clothes with Chinese-sounding English words. Someone built it, make use of it! =)
2018-02-20 06:57:12
The underground shops and restaurants are the best. Keep your money safe..very crowded but an amazing place to see and buy..bargaining is is OK her... Never Pay Retail!!!