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大觉寺 大觉寺 大觉寺
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2017-11-23 21:38:04



2018-01-02 16:42:41



2018-02-23 19:45:23



2017-12-25 22:50:38



2018-01-11 22:07:33



2017-11-16 09:46:10

The Temple was preceded by a courtyard of a huge long mural on the left side, and a series of Bikshu and Bikshunis and their history on the right. It has English translations describing the different influential Bikshus and Bikshunis. There are still construction work on some of the different parts of the Temple itself. But the Dajue temple on the right is completed. To access it, there is a huge courtyard in the middle, with long majestic corridors on the left and right. Tea is served there. There was an English speaking guide within the temple, which was useful and very helpful. In this temple, you can take an orchid, the guide will help you hold the flower in a certain way to ask for Buddha's blessing and convey your wish to him. At certain intervals, Bikshus will sound a gong at the courtyard. The Kuan Im temple on the left had a lovely pond area in front of it, and there were little tortoises swimming in it. Ahead was a temple in the making, and so we didn't go there. All in all, it was a pleasure in appreciating this Temple. Note, photographs are disallowed in the temples, especially of the huge golden Buddha within.I did enjoy my time there.


2018-02-19 12:46:05

Über 200km westlich von Shanghai liegt der Dajue Tempel in einem Seitental im Bambus Wald. Bei einer Fahrzeit von rund insgesamt 5 Stunden fällt der Dajue Tempel als Tagesausflug aus. Ob eine Übernachtung nur wegen dieses Tempels sinnvoll ist, muss jeder selber entscheiden. Das grosszügig angelegte Gelände passt sich dem natürlichen Tal an und als Abschluss thront oben der Tempel. Alle Wege, Anlagen und der Tempel wurden 2012 renoviert, was den Charakter der Künstlichkeit noch unterstreicht. Den lokalen Besuchern scheint es zu gefallen, den Trotz Regenwetters waren viele Menschen unterwegs. Wer schon andere Tempel dieser Art gesehen hat, hakt Besuch einfach ab.

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